Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hacking into the Brain/CPU

     Sometimes complex concepts need complex explanations. Not in this case. You would think that understanding things like neurology, fascial anatomy, kinesiology and movement would be over the top. Well, the art of simplifying a complex concept into useable information is an art form that we are working on with Rock Tape. The concept of "skintelligence" may in fact be a way of simplifying the effects of taping the skin to hack the human brain. Utilizing a recognizable metaphor of a computer system we can begin to obtain a better understanding of how taping works. First of all, embryologically the skin the brain are intimately connected, similar to a keyboard that is connected to its central processing unit (CPU).
     Ultimately, whatever we do to the skin (keyboard) communicates the message to the brain (CPU). Once we decide which code we are looking to send to the system (CPU/Brain), we can begin to re-write the faulty software. Most of us need to reboot and upgrade our software affected my movement glitches leading us down the path to dysfunction and disease. Via taping, we are tapping into a network of cutaneous (skin) receptors that are accessible and sensitive to manipulation (taping), transmitting fast traveling messages to the cortex for interpretation. By continually stimulating the brain (3-5 days with Rock Tape) we can begin the process of plastically rerouting the dysfunctional pathways in the brain and laying down the foundation for new, and improved, software towards movement efficiency.
Want further info about how to best apply tape to change movement dysfunction, contact us at

My 2 pennies,

Dr. Capo


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