Wednesday, April 9, 2014


What does it feel like to practice with a big  bulls eye on your back. Exhilarating!
I'll tell you why. For the past 5 years I've embarked on a journey with Rock Tape, a small and ever growing kinesiology taping company from Los Gatos, CA. The experience has exceeded my expectations in so many ways. It has challenged me to stand behind my beliefs regardless of the backlash from my colleagues that discredit its effectiveness. More importantly, it has motivated me to expand my knowledge of the human body and movement.

We have developed a product that stands alone in the market in quality and service. I have been blessed to work along Greg van den Dries and Dr. Justin Brink to develop the Fascial Movement Taping model based on enhancing movement via skin stimulation. The model has grown with an army of input from our world wide network of Rock Tape Docs. A true example of open source education.

We strive to continually expand the understanding of what a product like this can provide and will not rest until we gain the confidence and trust of all those that service people with movement impairment.

At the end of the day, Rock Tape and its community driven mantra of move better and move often is going to take hold as a mainstream philosophy. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the ride.



At April 10, 2014 at 4:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice makeup ;) Nice job on the blog! Looking forward to learning more from a great teacher and colleague. - Konrad


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