CrossFit/Rock Tape Phenomenon
CrossFit (CF) has witnessed a significant boom in popularity in the past 4-5 years with no end in sight in my opinion. As stated by the CF family themselves "the needs of the Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ in degree, not in kind". This means that the movements required by both communities are similar (squat, step, walk, pull, push climb, lunge) but are accomplished with different intensities. We at Rock Tape resonate with this mindset and were immediately attracted to the CF philosophy. To that end, we are celebrating our 5th anniversary with CrossFit and are committed to the same goal of preparing our bodies to move more effectively and efficiently.
Go to any CF box or competition (Open, Regionals, Games) and you will quickly recognize that these athletes LOVE Rock Tape. The question that arises is why are they wearing it? Let me answer that question by describing how Rock Tape works and why that may benefit those involved with "constantly varied, high intensity functional movements".
There are 3 main effects of kinesiology tape on human movement. First it has the ability to mitigate pain. In plain English, it makes the uncomfortable more bearable. It is well understood that pain interferes with motor control (performance), thus it only makes sense to find a way that is safe and effective to mitigate, not mask, the symptoms in order to allow for optimal movement integrity. Secondly, Rock Tape has the ability to improve fluid dynamics to positively effect performance both during and after activity. If anybody has experienced the pump effect associated with a workout like "Fran"you will understand the importance of moving fluid, both in the vascular and lymph system, out of an area of congestion. Last but definitely not least, the benefit of taping to improve postural awareness is paramount in CrossFit ( By stimulating the vast network of mechano-receoptors in the skin we can enhance the communication of body position, from a set up position before a dead lift to a finish position of a power snatch, to the brain in order to efficiently coordinate the appropriate movement patterns necessary to accomplish the task effectively and safely. This is where the marriage of Rock Tape and CrossFit was consummated. Be sure to keep an eye out for this colorful tape at the Games this month and challenge yourself to figure out what the application role was, from pain mitigation, fluid control, or postural correction.
Dr. Capo's 2 Pennies.
Steven Capobianco
Taping Movement, not Muscles.
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